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Frequently Asked Questions
What is a neurodevelopmental disorder?
The term "neurodevelopmental disorder" describes a series of diagnoses that can be found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 5th Edition (DSM-5). These disorders may present in a variety of ways, but most often the areas of impairment include cognition, self-regulation, adaptive function, or a combination. Specific neurodevelopmental disorders may be classified as:
fetal alcohol spectrum disorders,
intellectual disability,
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder,
tic disorders,
motor disorders,
developmental delay,
communication disorders,
autism spectrum disorders, and
What is a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder?
The term "fetal alcohol spectrum disorder" is a categorical term describing a variety of conditions caused by prenatal alcohol exposure. FASD considered is a lifelong developmental disability and may require an individual to have more or different needs than other people. Symptoms of FASD differ from person to person, but individuals with a diagnosis of an FASD may have any of the following:
An urge to have friends, but a difficult time making or maintaining friendships.
Executive dysfunction (difficulty planning and programming, shifting attention, transitions between tasks, controlling emotions, impulsivity, and many more)
Hard working
Difficulty understanding consequences
A lot of hyperactivity or inattention
Anxiety, depression or, a combination
Artistic or musical
Difficulty with school, especially with math and/or reading.
How much prenatal alcohol exposure can cause an FASD?
There is no safe amount of alcohol that can be prenatally exposed. Some source indicate that more than two drinks and one time can cause an FASD while others mention symptoms caused with less than one drink.
Can prenatal alcohol exposure cause an FASD if the pregnant parent does not know they are pregnant?
Yes! In fact, about half of pregnancies are unplanned and most people find out they are pregnant at around 7 weeks. The first three weeks of pregnancy are vital to brain development. An FASD can happen even before any pregnancy symptoms begin.
How can I make an appointment with SDRC?
There are several ways to make an appointment with SDRC. You can either email our appointment desk ( or fill out either the Contact Us tab or the Appointment Request tab found at the top of the screen.
How much does a diagnostic appointment with SDRC cost?
SDRC evaluations are $175 per half hour unit and can be paid by debit or credit card or by check. This will include an interdisciplinary assessment; full report, including specific accommodations for your child; and access to training and resources for addressing symptoms of prenatal substance exposure with an emphasis on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
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